' Memories Of...'
by Carol M Mottershead
So how's the new book coming along?
Well, I have to admit 'Memories Of...' has been off to a bad start! Not because it's a rotten book but because there has been changes in the way Amazon runs things with regards to categorizing of books! It's been all over the place since the new book launched... Lots of authors and specialists in Amazon algorithms have been struggling to get to grips with the way the new algorithms work!
The first thing to change was instead of being able to upload ten categories... two basic categories and eight additional categories added via KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) they claimed that they were 'improving' categorization; they were giving us the chance to choose three basic categories yayy!!😍 But then came the catch... there NO MORE THAN THE THREE! 😞
Now it seems, Amazon algorithms decide what categories to place our books in!
For this I would like to apologize to any readers who may feel mislead by choosing a book from a category that doesn't fit the book... it is beyond the control of any of the authors!
I'm told by teamsters from Bryan Cohen's Ad School, that this is by no means a personal problem. Everyone who changed to the new categorization have been affected. (Some authors didn't do it until Ad School advised it), but I thought I was being 'uptodate' and ahead of everyone else - I went ahead in ignorance, and my poor book 'Memories Of...' has got caught in the changes 😔
Amazon ad campaigns which I pay for 'per click' aren't working and the only sales being generated are from posts on social media that I've put out myself, which are free - crazy isn't it?
Amazon dot com have even stopped blogs being posted on the Amazon site now, so I don't even know if anyone gets to read these blogs, ha!
But for anyone who is enjoying reading blogs, I hope you'll check out my books
Memories Of... (HERE) and JOAN put on a happy face (HERE)
'Til Next Time - HAPPY READING! 😄