Thursday, 1 June 2023

Chapter 11 - My next book

 Who will be the central character of my next book?

As I was writing 'JOAN', ideas for a next book would pop into my mind.  Back stories of each character. I made notes on who and what came into my train of thought. I didn't intend to write another book when I started, but I guess the characters got jealous ha! 

Judy and Mr Punch aka Joan and Pulcinella are characters everyone thinks they know all about already, but not the way I'm writing their story. They're not puppets, like in that film 'Judy and Punch' that came out in November 2018. It was interesting to watch... once, and I 'loved' the twist right at the end giving a reason why Punch and Judy went from being performed with marionettes to being performed with hand puppets - that was a jewel! ha! I won't tell you about the ending, but let's just say it was the best bit of the film... to me anyway! 😊

I might write a short story for each of the characters, their back story, what makes each of them tick. I say short, but that depends a great deal on just how much they want their story to be told, some times they get so self-absorbed you know 😊(No... I'm not crazy, I'm just an author and our characters come to life for us lol!)

As you probably realize by now, my story's theme is the puppet show known as Punch and Judy. It's a traditional iconic show, and a favourite seaside puppet show that's been loved by children for over 450 years, so almost all the characters in my story have their own reason for being, and they have their own back story. The difference is that JOAN is immortal. Her family have a secret that Joan knows nothing about. My story is a mystery waiting to unfold with each book bringing the reader just a little closer to the whole truth and nothing but the truth... in my imaginings at least.👍😉

I don't want the blog to be too long, or for you to get bored with my ramblings, I have got a head cold as I write, so I do apologize haha! 

Remember - Joan is available at many online bookstores already

       Amazon   Blackwells   Barnes & Noble   Waterstones

Memories Of... is still being released and is, at the moment, only available on

Amazon  AllAuthor and Author Central

Oops! I gave it away! 😂👍Hope you like it

Happy Reading and Put on your happy face!

- Happy reading!

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I'm so excited!

I'm so excited! I'm so excited and I just can't keep this to myself, but I've finally finished the first draft of my next bo...