The TV Interview on Good Morning Britain 28th July 2018
(The beginning of the rest of my life...)
It was 28th July 2018 and I was watching a TV interview on Good Morning Britain that had one of my entertainers (Professor Brian Llewellyn) being interviewed about his puppet show Punch & Judy. One of the guests (Tricia Goddard) was making an issue about the domestic violence aspect of the show asking if the Professor had considered changing the storyline to accommodate present day attitudes and do a Punch and Judy show without the violence.
As an entertainer myself, I know how important it is to keep up with the times and make sure that our shows reflect the values of today's society. However, I also believe that there is a place for traditional entertainment like Punch and Judy. Violence is a part of the human experience, and I don't think we should shy away from that in our art. What do you think? Click on photo